October 22, 2024

Lions Fellowships

Birch-Sturm Award (Est. 1990) 
In 1990, the Birch-Sturm Fellowship was created by the Wisconsin Lions Foundation to honor those individuals who exemplify undying dedication and commitment to Lionism. The Fellowship is named after Wisconsin’s only International Presidents, Frank V. Birch and Clarence L. Sturm who were great supporters of the Foundation.
  • Ronald Husby – 1999
  • Robert Mersch – 2001
  • Dennis Olson – 2001
  • Gerald Olson – 2001
  • Gary Brummeyer – 2005
  • Howard Buss – 2005
  • Lloyd Eiseth – 2005
  • Terry Giertz – 2006
  • Merlin Nevala – 2006
  • Len Frank – 2007
  • Rob Sinz – 2013
  • Dean Larson – 2013
  • Bill Grambo – 2013
  • Gene Hagen – 2014
  • Patrick Furry – 2015
  • Marshal Schafer – 2016
  • Richard Olson – 2016
  • Sue Lechler – 2017
  • Tim Frank 2017
  • Loni Hilmanowski – 2018
  • Loren Sandberg 2018
  • Wally Cutler 2019
  • Brian Sandness – 2020
  • Jon Hove – 2021
  • Mitchell Sinz – 2022
  • Todd Sinz – 2022
  • James Erickson – 2023
  • Wyatt Kreutzer – 2023

Melvin Jones Fellowship (Est. 1973) 

The Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF) recognizes donations of US $1,000. It is the backbone of LCIF, providing 75% of the foundation’s revenue. As a recognition of humanitarian work, an MJF is an honor presented to those who donate US $1,000 to LCIF or to people for whom a donation was made by others.
Contributions can be made by individuals (Including non-Lions), clubs, or districts. Donations may be in one sum, or in installments of a minimum of US $100 over a five-year period. Melvin Jones Fellows receive an attractive lapel pin, a plaque, and a congratulatory letter.
  • Len Amberg
  • Kenneth Gifford
  • Herbert Schutz – 1987
  • John Kraft – 1992
  • Ronald Husby – 1993
  • Howard Buss – 1995
  • Richard Clack – 1995
  • Wallace Cutler – 1995
  • Ron Hastings – 1995
  • Lynos Hendrickson – 1995
  • Lawrence Michelbook – 1995
  • Richard Oldfield – 1995
  • Dennis Olson – 1995
  • Murrell Price – 1995
  • Ted Richartz 1995
  • Harold Tubbs – 1995
  • Arden Alexander – 1996
  • Gary Brummeyer – 1996
  • Willard Hintz – 1996
  • Max Tritt – 1996
  • Theodore Wiehe – 1996
  • Robert Muza – 1997
  • David Barnard – 2000
  • Helmer Debee Jr – 2000
  • Lloyd Eiseth – 2000
  • Jack Bowman – 2001
  • Dean Lecheler – 2001
  • Greg Mittlestadt – 2001
  • Richard Morrison – 2003
  • Brad Waznik – 2003
  • Richard Weber – 2003
  • Monsignor Charles Blecha – 2005
  • Alan Helgeson – 2005
  • Patti Irwin – 2005
  • James Wahl – 2005
  • David Enestvedt – 2006
  • Ron Jordan – 2006
  • Mauice Michelbook – 2006
  • Marshall Schaefer – 2006
  • Jan Kademan – 2009
  • Daniel Smith – 2009
  • Dave Kreutzer – 2013
  • Pat Sandness – 2013
  • Tod Sinz – 2013
  • Steve Splitter – 2013
  • Ed Hanke -2014
  • Rick Kostuch – 2015
  • Rob Sinz – 2015
  • Richard Werner – 2016
  • Steve Schutte – 2016
  • Collin Thatcher 2016
  • Laurie Klickhammer – 2017
  • Merlin Nevala 2017
  • Bill Grambo – 2018
  • Jon Hove – 2018
  • David Schiotz 2018
  • Pat Furey- 2019
  • Loni Hilmanowski -2019
  • Dean Larson 2019
  • Len Frank – 2020
  • Tim Frank – 2020
  • Mitchell Sinz – 2021
  • Wendy Wold – 2021
  • Lawrence Lightfield – 2021
  • Terry Giertz – 2022
  • James Dimock – 2022
  • Eric Buss – 2023
  • Loren Sandberg – 2023
Knight of Sight Fellowship
The Knight of Sight Fellowship award can be achieved through an individual or Lions Club cash donation of $1,000 or more. Your name will be prominently and permanently displayed on the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin Knight of Sight Wall of Honor, and will also be recognized in the next LEBW Annual Report.
The Knight of Sight is the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin’s highest form of recognition presented to an individual by their club, zone, group or district. Recipients of the Knight of Sight Award exemplify the LEBW’s mission to give the Gift of Sight in Wisconsin, the United States, and internationally.
  • Helmer Debee Jr – 2006
  • Glenn Frank – 2006
  • Menomonie Lions Club2006
  • Gary Brummeyer – 2012
  • Len Frank – 2014
  • Dick Clack – 2014
  • Dan Smith -2014
  • Dave Kreutzer – 2015
  • Wyatt Kreutzer 2018
  • James Dimock – 2019
  • Pat Furey – 2019
  • Roger Kahl – 2019
  • Bill Grambo – 2020
  • Terry Nelson – 2021
  • Jack Gust – 2021
  • Beth Thompson – 2022
  • Wally Cutler – 2022
  • Dean Larson – 2023
  • Howard Slinden – 2023
Ray Hempel Fellowship

Ray Hempel was an outstanding individual who made a big difference in the Lions community and the world. In 1952, Lion Ray was in the hospital visiting two blind 12-year old boys. The group started talking about the great outdoors and Lion Ray asked if they ever attended camp. One of the boys responded with these famous words, “blind kids can’t go to outdoor camp and stuff like that.”

After the conversation, Lion Ray began imagining a camp that would provide an outdoor experience for blind children. He was an enthusiastic camper and Boy Scout Leader and thought everyone deserved to experience nature at its finest. In 1956, the Wisconsin Lions Camp was born. Since its development, the camp has touched the lives of thousands of children and adults with special needs.

Each and every day, Lions and Lionesses are making a difference in the lives of others, in their communities and the world. Do you know someone who goes above and beyond the call of duty? We encourage you to nominate that outstanding individual with the Ray Hempel Fellowship Award.

A Hempel Fellowship contribution of $1000 will be deposited into the permanent Lions Pride Endowment Fund, which helps support Lions Camp and other Wisconsin Lions Foundation state projects for both today and tomorrow.

  • Pat Sandness – 2016
  • Brian Sandness – 2016
  • Richard Morrison 2017
  • Dave Kruetzer 2018
  • Gary Brummeyer 2019
  • Jon Hove – 2020
  • Wally Cutler – 2021
  • Richard Olson – 2022
  • Terry Ford – 2023

Leader Dogs For The Blind Founders Award

  • Wendy Wold – 2021
  • Beth Thompson – 2021
  • Mitchell Sinz – 2022
  • James Dimock – 2023