March 3, 2025

Lions Eye Bank

The Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin (LEBW) is a team of professionals and volunteers dedicated to restoring the Gift of Sight. This is accomplished through the transplantation of corneas, research to advance the knowledge and treatment of eye diseases, and education to increase donations of human eye tissue after death. You can become more familiar with the LEBW by visiting the web site directly at The site contains the history, facts, donor family and transplant recipient testimonials, and the mission of the LEBW.

The Menomonie Lions Club continues to be financially supportive of the LEBW. For over 20 years they have also helped transport eye tissue from local hospitals to the Eye Bank in Madison to be used for cornea transplant. More than 25 members join over 1500 lions from around the state to form a unique transport system to Madison and then back again to surgery sites. Currently we assist in approximately six transports per year. Last year one of the transports assisted in giving the gift of sight to two individuals. The LEBW provides for over 900 cornea transplants per year. If you know someone in WI, that has received a cornea transplant the tissue more than likely came from the LEBW.

Our ultimate goal is to improve a person’s quality of life through the “Gift of Sight”. If you would like additional information feel free to contact Lion Gary Brummeyer.

To Read More on the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin Click Here