March 3, 2025

Get Involved

How to Join the Menomonie Lions Club:
1.  Contact any Menomonie Lions Club Member and ask to join us for one of our regular meetings, held at Dean & Sue’s, at 6:45 PM, on the 1st and 3d Wednesday of each month.  Join us for a meal, fellowship, and experience how we go about doing what we do.  If you are interested, ask your Lion Sponsor, and they will provide you with a Membership Application.
2.  Once your application is reviewed and approved by the Menomonie Lions Board of Directors, you and your Sponsor will be invited to a 1 1/2 hour New Member Orientation.
3.  Then, at the next Regular Meeting, you will be provided a Lions Vest, a Lions Lapel Pin and agree to abide by the LCI Goals and Code of Ethics.


There are many reasons to become a member. As a Lion, you will:

  • Help your community and gain valuable skills
  • Make an impact on people’s lives – locally and internationally
  • Learn to be a leader – and lead a respected organization
  • Network with business people in your community and around the world
  • Energize your life and have fun

Interested in becoming a Menomonie Lions Club Member… Contact Us